WA 14

Une peseuse associative multi-têtes ultra-hygiénique qui convient à un environnement de lavage à grande eau, disponible avec des trémies de petit, moyen et grand volume pour des applications à grande vitesse avec un minimum de pertes. 

IMA Ilapak multi head weigher machine WA 14 for vertical packaging line

Cette peseuse fait partie d'une gamme de solutions de pesage d'aliments pour les produits à écoulement libre et non libre, elle promet une précision, une fiabilité et une flexibilité exceptionnelles. Les peseuses associatives d'Ilapak sont conçues pour s'adapter aux produits de chaque client, afin de peser de manière constante et précise sur une très large gamme de poids et de vitesses.

Vegatronic 2000 OF and WA 14-50 - for meat & poultry chicken wings in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 OF vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-50 for meat and poultry chicken wings in pillow bag

Vegatronic 1000 with WA 14-65 - for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 1000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine plunger with multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-65 for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Vegatronic 1000 with WA 14-65 for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 1000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine plunger with multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-65 for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2000 OF and WA 14-25 - for rice in block bottom bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 OF vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-25 for rice in block bottom bag

WA 1400 with v2029 net clipping packaging machine for Citrus in clipped net bag

Ima Ilapak linear weigher Weightronic 1400 with v2029 net clipping packaging machine for Citrus in clipped net bag

Smart and WA 1400 - for produce potatoes on tray in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Smart horizontal flow wrap packaging machine and linear weigher Weightronic for produce potatoes on tray in pillow bag

Vegatronic 6000 and WA 14-65 - for produce cut salad in pillow

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 6000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine with multi head weigher Weightronic WA 14-65 for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2300 and WA 14-50 - for IQF meat burger patties

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2300 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-50 for meat burger patties in pillow bag
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